Σε άρθρο από το μηνιαίο newsletter του PGEU (Νοέμβριος 2010) έχουμε την πληροφόρηση οτι στην Νορβηγία της ελεύθερης δραστηριότητας των αλυσίδων φαρμακείων, οι αλυσίδες απέφευγαν να διαθέσουν αντίγραφα χαμηλού κόστους για να μην χάσουν τα κέρδη που οι πωλήσεις ακριβότερων αντιγράφων αποφέρουν.
Norway: Chain pharmacies keep low-priced generics secret
In Norway the three market-leading pharmacy chains are under criticism for,
allegedly, not selling their customers the lowest priced generic drugs. The British
manufacturer Arrow, a subsidiary of the US group Watson, has filed a complaint
with the Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA). It claims that while its products are
available in some owner-operated pharmacies, they are not sold in the branches of
Apotek1 (Phoenix), Vitusapotek (Celesio) and Alliance/Boots Apotek (Alliance
Boots). The NoMA is now arguing with the chains over the interpretation of the legal
In Norway the NoMA determines the maximum reimbursement rates for prescription
drugs; unsurprisingly, the prices for generic drugs have so far remained at that
level. After the announcement of the list price the manufacturers usually negotiate
with the pharmaceuticals dealers the conditions of the listing of their products.
Whose bid is accepted ends up in the pharmacy software that gives employees in
the branches a preselection.
This way, customers of different pharmacy chains have so far been receiving
different products – but at the same price and with the same co-payment. In other
words: Not the customers, but the pharmaceuticals retailers benefited from the price
In spring Arrow lowered the prices for its drugs with the active ingredients
alendronate, latanoprost and tamsulosin below the level of reimbursement and has
since been the cheapest provider. Nonetheless, random sampling done by the
NoMA found that no branch of the pharmacy chains had any of these Arrow
products in stock. A check of the related wholesalers came to a similar result:
Although full-line distributors in Norway are generally required to have all approved
drugs in stock, only the Celesio subsidiary NMD carried the Arrow products.
―With the lower prices the manufacturer was aiming at entering the market‖, says
Elisabeth Bryn, head of the pharmaceutical economy department at the NoMA. At
Arrow, the fact that a demand on the part of the chains failed to generate is traced
back to the flaw in the system: ―The pharmacies obviously have no interest in
selling our cheaper drugs‖.
The NoMA is now arguing with the pharmacy chains over the interpretation of the
regulations. The agency claims that pharmacies are obliged to inform patients of
cheaper drugs, and hence lower co-payments. The chains, in contrast, hold the
view that it suffices to offer customers generic drugs at the maximum price as
determined by the state. ―The introduction of a new price below the maximum
reimbursement rates threatens the entire system‖, a spokesman of the Norwegian
Pharmacy Association said.
The NoMA has now turned to the Norwegian Ministry of Health for clarification:
officials are expected to clarify how the applicable law is to be interpreted, and
whether and how the active pricing model for generic drugs is to be changed. One
of a number of suggestions the agency is forwarding was authored by the
Norwegian generic medicines association: According to the proposal, only the cost
of the cheapest preparation ought to be covered in the future.
Bryn, however, fears that supply difficulties for pharmacies and frequent changes of
medication for patients would result. The NoMA itself has therefore not
recommended any of the options presented.
Officials in Oslo are currently considering the proposals. A response to the NoMA
could be expected in a few weeks.
Source: PGEU NOVEMBER 2010
Υ.Γ. Pharma Team : Λέγεται οτι πίσω από όλα οσα συμβαίνουν στην Ελλάδα με το θέμα των φαρμακείων κρύβεται ο Μόσιαλος, ο οποίος θέλει τα φάρμακα στα Σούπερ Μάρκετ μέχρι το Μάρτιο. Πολύ σοβαρό πρόβλημα η μείωση του ποσοστού κέρδους στο 15-20% και οι εκπτώσεις τελικά. Ο Παπακωνσταντίνου δεν ενδιαφέρεται τελικά για τα φαρμακεία αλλά μόνο ο Μόσιαλος. Σημειωτέον κυκλοφορεί η φήμη,που μεταφέρουμε με καθε επιφύλαξη,πως η Alapis πουλήθηκε στην Carrefour, δεν υπάρχει Λαυρεντιάδης. Ίσως τελικά ο Λοβέρδος είναι πολύ λίγος.